Monday, October 19, 2009

You can manage healthy Lifestyle with Ayurveda: Dr. R. Vatsyan

“Health is Wealth” Age old dictum is true
Thousands of years ago, the learned ayurvedic masters gave us a unique holistic dictum in which the health was merely seen as the absence of disease with a state of complete mental, physical, and social well being. The discipline of Ayurveda lays stress on balanced diet, regulated daily routine and the sexual discipline, said Dr. R.Vatsyan, while presenting key note address on "Life Style Management through
Ayurveda' on Dhanvantri Day.

(Photo: Mr. Satish Chander, Secretary Health & Family Welfare, Government of Punjab speaking on the occassion)

The cultural assault of the west has changed the traditional Indian Kitchen and slowly we are forgetting the goodness and native wisdom of our traditional diet. Now fast food and eatables laden with preservatives have invaded the routine diets of our children.

Dr. Vatsyan said that no doubt that this type of way of life is now increasingly becoming the cause of many lifestyle diseases such as heart ailments, diabetes, hypertension, neurological and circulatory disorders and obesity. Aurveda says that leaving everything else, one should keep himself healthy, said Dr. Vatsyan.

(Photo: A view of the audience)

Sh Satish Chandera, IAS, Secretary-Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Punjab in his address congratulated Chandigarh Management Association and ITFT Group fororganising this seminar on “Life Style Management through Ayurveda”. He said India is rich in the tradition of natural medicines and people all over the world are now adopting alternative medicines for enhancing health.

(Photo: Sh. Satish Chander, IAS presenting a momento to Dr. Vatsyan, Famous Ayurvedic of North India)

Dr. S.K.Duggal, past president of CMA presented a souvenir to Sh Staish Chandra, IAS on behalf of Chandigarh Management Association.
Dr. Gulshan Sharma, Vice President CMA and Director, ITFT Group conducted the proceeding.

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